The SNAP E&T Review is a monthly newsletter that connects readers to national program and policy updates related to SNAP E&T. Each SNAP E&T Review features the latest news about SNAP E&T, information about how to design job-driven SNAP E&T programs, and emerging best practices.

SNAP E&T Review: Apply Now for the Spring 2024 SNAP E&T State Institute! (November 2023)
SNAP E&T Review: The Next Chapter of SNAP to Skills (October 2023)
SNAP E&T Review: Medicaid/CHIP: Help Keep SNAP Participants Covered! (August 2023)
SNAP E&T Review: New Issue Brief! Come Together: Using Team-Based Case Management in SNAP E&T (July 2023)
SNAP E&T Review: USDA and DOL Release Joint Letter Encouraging States to Serve Time-Limited Recipients through the Public Workforce System (June 2023)
SNAP E&T Review: Strengthening Connections for SNAP E&T Participants within the Workforce Development System (April/May 2023)
SNAP E&T Review: Just 6 Months Left! SNAP to Skills Technical Assistance (February 2023)

SNAP E&T Review: SNAP E&T National Forum Brings Together Hundreds to Reimagine E&T Programs (January 2023)
SNAP E&T Review: Provider Spotlight: Coalfield Development, an E&T Provider Serving Rural West Virginia (October 2022)
SNAP E&T Review: Applying Behavioral Science to Staff Trainings (September 2022)
SNAP E&T Review: New from FNS: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) Screening and Referral Guidance (August 2002)
SNAP E&T Review: Meet FY23 Program Goals with SNAP to Skills Technical Assistance! (July 2022)
SNAP E&T Review: SNAP Agencies are Engaging in Technical Assistance to Strengthen SNAP E&T  Programs (May 2022)
SNAP E&T Review: New SNAP E&T Practitioner Spotlight and More (April 2022)
SNAP E&T Review: States Can Now Request SNAP to Skills Technical Assistance! Here’s How. (Winter 2021-22)
SNAP E&T Review: New Opportunity for States to Receive SNAP E&T Technical Assistance (October 2021)
SNAP E&T Review: New SNAP E&T Practitioner Spotlight and More (August 2021)
SNAP E&T Review: 5 Steps to Improve SNAP E&T Participation and Engagement: Diagnose/Analyze the Problem (June 2021)
SNAP E&T Review: Exploring Engagement Challenges in the E&T Referral Process (April/May 2021)
SNAP E&T Review: New Practitioner Spotlight and Other Updates (March 2021)
SNAP E&T Review: Register for the Upcoming SNAP to Skills Webinar: Finding Solutions to Get E&T Participants to the Next Step (February 2021)
SNAP E&T Review: 5 Steps to Improve SNAP E&T Participant Engagement: Define the Problem (January 2021)
SNAP E&T Review: New SNAP E&T Practitioner Spotlight! (December 2020)
SNAP E&T Review: Hear From a SNAP E&T Practitioner! (September 2020)
SNAP E&T Review: 5 Steps to Improve SNAP E&T Participation and Engagement (August 2020)
SNAP E&T Review: Submit Your Session Idea for the SNAP E&T National Forum! (July 2020)
SNAP E&T Review: The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Encourages States to Expand and Improve SNAP E&T Programs (December 2019)
SNAP E&T Review: New SNAP to Skills Project will focus on Increasing Participant Engagement, Recruitment (October 2019) 
SNAP E&T Review: SNAP to Skills Hosts the Fall 2019 SNAP E&T State Institute (September 2019)
SNAP E&T Review: E&T Impact - Lives Transformed (Summer 2019)
SNAP E&T Review: States Selected for Participation in the Fall 2019 SNAP E&T State Institute, Improving Outcomes with Work- and Skills-Based SNAP E&T Strategies (June 2019)
SNAP E&T Review: FNS Releases New State Guidance on SNAP E&T Provisions of the 2018 Farm Bill (May 2019)
SNAP E&T Review: Recognizing the Life-Changing Power of Employment and the Role of SNAP E&T in a Better Future (April 2019)
SNAP E&T Review: FNS Hosts the First SNAP E&T State Institute on Expanding SNAP E&T Programs (March 2019)
SNAP E&T Review: SNAP to Skills Kicks Off Another Year! (November 2018)
SNAP E&T Review: SNAP to Skills Releases New Policy Brief - SNAP E&T: Meeting the Needs of Unstably-Housed SNAP Households (July/August, 2018)
SNAP E&T Review: SNAP E&T and WIOA - Partnering to Raise Skills and Employment (June, 2018)
SNAP E&T Review: What’s it Like to Participate in the SNAP E&T Learning Academy? Hear from Past Participants  (May, 2018)
SNAP E&T Review: SNAP E&T Learning Academy Kicks Off (March, 2018)
SNAP E&T Review: Webinar on SNAP E&T and Career Pathways (February, 2018)
SNAP E&T Review: Learning Academy Participants Announced; SNAP E&T Operations Handbook (January, 2018)
SNAP E&T Review: SNAP to Skills Website Survey; Academy Applications Under Review (December, 2017)
SNAP E&T Review: SNAP E&T Learning Academy Application Deadline Extended (November, 2017)
SNAP E&T Review: SNAP to Skills to Continue in 2018 (October, 2017)
SNAP E&T Review: E&T Impact - Lives Transformed, Highlights from Minnesota (September, 2017)
SNAP E&T Review: E&T Impact - Lives Transformed (August, 2017)
SNAP E&T Review: FNS Announces DATA Grant RFA, Highlights from Massachusetts (June, 2017)
SNAP E&T Review: Integrating SNAP E&T into Career Pathway Systems to Boost Outcomes (May, 2017)
SNAP E&T Review: Utilizing Labor Market Information to Build Employer-Driven SNAP E&T Programs (April 2017)
SNAP E&T Review: SNAP E&T Academy Kicked off in February (March 2017)
SNAP E&T Review: FNS Selects Participants for SNAP E&T Learning Academy (February 2017)
SNAP E&T Review: Highlights from Michigan (December 2016)
SNAP E&T Review: Building State Capacity to Support Expanded SNAP E&T Programs (November 2016)
SNAP E&T Review: The New Face of SNAP to Skills (October 2016) 
SNAP E&T Review: Securing Third-Party Partners Brief and Webinar, Building SNAP E&T County by County in North Carolina (July 2016)
SNAP E&T Review: Securing Third-Party Partners to Expand, Joint USDA-ED Letter Encouraging FAFSA Completion (June 2016) 
SNAP E&T Review: Offering Job Driven Training to ABAWDs, Serving ABAWDS with E&T in Maryland (May 2016)
SNAP E&T Review: Welcome, New Policy Brief Series, SNAP E&T Reporting Requirements, and Joint DOL-USDA Letter on Serving ABAWDs (April 2016)